All types of organizations are impacted by weather & climate.
Our focus is to help organizations become weather & climate resilient by helping you understand your weather & climate risk, providing weather & climate impact analysis and offering weather & climate decision support.
Professional Services

Your situation: You have seen the impact of weather on your business and employee productivity from weather events like snowstorms and thunderstorms. However, you are not sure if you are prepared enough or if there are other types of weather hazards to be aware of.
Our solution: Our Weather Hazard Planning Workshop includes a review of the weather that can impact your business and your facility itself. We assist your organization in determining the impact from different weather parameters and your weather thresholds. We also advise on resources you can utilize to minimize impacts or take advantage of opportunities.
Our Weather Hazard Planning Workshop covers the following:
Thinking about the Weather Strategically
Weather Hazard Analysis
Business Process/Asset Vulnerability Analysis
Capability Assessment
Developing Your Strategies
Implement Your Strategies
Your situation: You are a retailer, energy, government agency or an agricultural company and concerned about longer range weather/climate (1 to 3 months) and its impact on your business or organization. You know that deterministic forecasts are not available/useful in the longer range but have heard about probabilistic forecasts.
Our solution: WeatherStrategy is able to address this with a Seasonal Weather/Climate Planning Workshop. This workshop focuses on an impacted industry (Agricultural, Energy, Government or Commerce). Using publicly (and/or privately) available seasonal climatological outlooks, we will work with your group to make the outlooks usable for decision making purposes. The workshop includes understanding temperature and precipitation extremes on your organization for the 1 to 3 month ahead time period, working with the available forecasts and then determining strategies and action plans for your organization. Probabilistic forecasts like this are useful because decisions using these forecasts are generally being made in the right direction.
Your situation: Your organization has a need to understand how changes in the weather or climate may affect business or customer decisions in a time period well beyond any reasonable available forecast to even years in the future. You also know there are other influences that may factor in decision making including social, technological, environmental, economic and political aspects.
Our solution: Our main focus is using a process called Scenario Planning that incorporates weather/climate. Scenario Planning incorporates social, technological, environmental, economic and political aspects into understanding plausible futures. These futures are not forecasts but they give insight as to what could occur. With this type of insight people and organizations can determine strategies now to optimize the opportunities and challenges down the line. Scenario Planning can help organizations develop better resilient plans, prepare for change and become more innovative. Scenario Planning is a process that requires some time and interaction, but can be very rewarding. The Scenario Planning Workshop expectations are defined through a scoping statement. Workshops are on-site and require multiple meetings.
Your situation: You know weather has some sort of impact on your business or organization but don't know where and how to start your research effort. You want your research efforts to be efficient, timely and thorough.
Our solution: After an initial no-cost phone call, we will work with you to develop a scoping document. The document will define your project objectives, requirements, benefit and proposed deliverables so that we may provide advisory services that meet your expectations.
WeatherStrategy is an independent advisory company assisting organizations in becoming weather resilient by helping make weather and climate data actionable.
WeatherStrategy does this by assisting organizations in understanding their weather risk, providing weather impact analysis and offering weather decision support.
We offer weather strategy sessions, research and advising, weather hazard planning, educational presentations, seasonal weather/climate planning workshops and scenario planning for future climate workshops.
Phone Contact: 603.566.7395
Email Contact: info@weatherstrategy.net
Twitter: @weatherstrategy
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2662138/admin/
Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador information: https://www.weather.gov/wrn/

Jerry Lettre - Weather Strategy Strategist
Jerry Lettre has a 25 year background in business with over 20 years experience in weather. His business experience includes 15 years of administrative, strategic planning and business development management of a technology based company. Other business experience includes weather-solution market development, technology sales working in leadership positions, customer success management and teaching a variety of college business courses. Lettre has over 5 years of scenario planning facilitation experience incorporated into several university-level business courses. His weather experience includes over 15 years of providing weather information and briefings to utilities and energy traders. Additional weather experience includes forecasts to broadcast media markets and teaching college "Introduction to Meteorology" courses.

Helping Your Organization Deal With The Uncertainty And Impact Of Weather & Climate